Five ways to improve your sleep pattern

Achieving a healthy lifestyle is more than just watching what you eat and making sure you get a regular amount of exercise. Sleep is a major part of it and can substantially change how you feel, along with enjoying a balanced diet, reducing your stress levels and exercising frequently. However, some people can’t help but struggle with sleep and getting the recommended amount of rest each night.

There are ways you can improve the amount and quality of sleep you get – here’s five top tips.

Have a regular bedtime

By sticking to the same time for going to bed and waking up, even on weekends, it will help your body clock to adjust and realise how long you want to rest each night. This will also help ensure that you have quality of sleep.

Some people struggle with the actual process of falling asleep, which can be made worse once you get uptight about not getting enough rest. If this sounds like you, try having a relaxing, routine activity before you get into bed. This can be anything from reading your book to having a bath and will help your brain begin unwinding while your body will be prepared to sleep.

Avoid napping

It may sound obvious, but many people fall foul of naps during the daytime, especially if they have just experienced a bad night’s rest. It may be tempting to get a couple of hours of shuteye if you have slept badly, but it will confuse your body clock and result in a succession of poor sleep, which turns into a pattern that is hard to break.

Keep devices out

Having devices, such as smartphones, laptops, or tablets, can make it difficult for you to fall asleep come bedtime. Not only do they distract your mind and put your brain into overdrive, but studies have shown that the lights used in devices can actually prevent sleep. By keeping devices out of your bedroom, it will help create a better sleeping environment, which will make it easier for you to relax and sleep.

Exercise daily

Getting a regular amount of even light exercise can significantly improve the amount and quality of sleep you get each night. This is especially important if you have an office job and don’t do a great deal of activity during the day. Sitting around for seven or eight hours a day can mean that your body is not tired enough to fall asleep when the time comes.

Check your bed

Both your mattress and pillows are important for ensuring a good night’s rest. The one you have used for years may not be the most relaxing anymore and you could significantly benefit from a change up.

They should be the right combination of supportive and comfortable and what you prefer can really vary between people. Go to a store that allows you to try different types of mattresses and pillows to find the one you find best.

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